Customer Engage
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Get feedback and loyalty signup at checkout. Feel confident that every customer leaves happy. Understand what you can do to get customers back more often and spend more! Get 25-40% of your customers telling you what they love and what to fix. Increase return visits with "come back" offers. Grow

Get feedback and loyalty signup at checkout. Feel confident that every customer leaves happy. Understand what you can do to get customers back more often and spend more! Get 25-40% of your customers telling you what they love and what to fix. Increase return visits with "come back" offers. Grow your marketing lists with "one-tap" signup. Advertise upcoming events, products or specials. Stop losing customers by alerting unit managers to solve problems as they happen. Automatically flag followup actions that are time tracked to completion. Seamlessly sync Keap with your customer review contacts so you can send communications to keep your company "top of mind" when customers are deciding where to go. Keep them choosing you over your competitors. Create robust customer profiles with sentiment, engagement, communications and purchase information.

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Engage your customers

Automatically send your customers a comment card after product pickup, service delivery or purchase. Respond in real-time to customers who give feedback with “come back” offers. Get many more customers opting in to your loyalty programs with one-tap signup. Automatically add new loyalty customers to

Automatically send your customers a comment card after product pickup, service delivery or purchase. Respond in real-time to customers who give feedback with “come back” offers. Get many more customers opting in to your loyalty programs with one-tap signup. Automatically add new loyalty customers to Keap contact lists with email and text opt-ins.

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Share Good Reviews

Invite your customers to share good reviews on social sites. Get live streaming of good reviews on your website, social media pages, and product review pages

Alert Managers to Problems

Immediately text and/or email managers when there is a poor customer experience. Solve problems as they happen at the store level. Make sure every customer leaves happy.

Understand How to Keep Customers Coming Back!

Get Advanced Customer Analytics. Get customer insights by customer, employee, location, district or region. Compare performance and know exactly where to direct management attention and what actions to take to increase customer satisfaction and sales.

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