John Borelli Approved provides a myriad of custom api services. From custom integrations, custom imports and data migrations to custom web applications that provide functions currently not available out of the box with your current services. API gives ROI a real boost in decreasing cost (think o
John Borelli Approved provides a myriad of custom api services. From custom integrations, custom imports and data migrations to custom web applications that provide functions currently not available out of the box with your current services. API gives ROI a real boost in decreasing cost (think of how many hours of manual data entry you'll save) and increasing revenue (by automating processes your conversions will increase. Let's find out how api can help increase your ROI!
Sometimes that service you use won't connect to Keap out of the box. Sometimes Zapier doesn't do what you need it to do or at least not entirely or how you need it to connect. Custom api integrations can customize your workflow and experience for you, your staff and your users/clients.
Imports are limited often to just contacts or a few simple sets of information. Importing order/sales details, products, contact notes etc might require a more custom approach. This can be done with api.
There are limits to what is available natively for reporting. Custom reports can get you that KPI you desperately need. Custom apps can create functions in your process that will save you time and money. API is the bridge to getting there.