Founded in 2006 by Mark Penney as an IT services company, Meppy has been a Keap partner since 2015, providing business process automation, campaign/advanced automation building and helping clients integrate Keap with other platforms using systems such as PlusThis, Zapier or Make (formerly Integromat
Founded in 2006 by Mark Penney as an IT services company, Meppy has been a Keap partner since 2015, providing business process automation, campaign/advanced automation building and helping clients integrate Keap with other platforms using systems such as PlusThis, Zapier or Make (formerly Integromat). Doing everything you can to improve your email deliverability is more important than ever, and helping you REACH the inbox of your contacts and customers is something Meppy has been doing from the start, providing specialist help with email deliverability and email authentication. Our experience with membership site setup and support using Memberium and LearnDash will help you get your Membership site sorted. Whether you need to build from scratch, need to solve problems with an existing membership site, or just want some ongoing support. We have you covered. Get in touch for a no obligation chat to see how we can help you better leverage Keap and automation in your business to drive growth and profit.
Getting your emails into the inbox is key for your business. We can help you improve your email deliverability with some technical changes, as well as advise you on things you need to do in your Keap campaigns/automations and with your list to ensure you maximise engagement. We focus on the REACH t
Getting your emails into the inbox is key for your business. We can help you improve your email deliverability with some technical changes, as well as advise you on things you need to do in your Keap campaigns/automations and with your list to ensure you maximise engagement. We focus on the REACH the inbox model, with these fundamental aspects of email delivery: R = Reputation E = Engagement A = Authentication C = Content H = Hygiene (of your list) Get these things dialled in to improve your reach and conversions.
Getting your emails correctly authenticated for all your services (not just Keap) is fundamental for inbox REACH. Whether you have heard of SPF, DKIM and DMARC or not, they are vital technical things to get setup correctly to ensure you have the best chance of your emails reaching your contacts, cus
Getting your emails correctly authenticated for all your services (not just Keap) is fundamental for inbox REACH. Whether you have heard of SPF, DKIM and DMARC or not, they are vital technical things to get setup correctly to ensure you have the best chance of your emails reaching your contacts, customers and clients. With decades of experience in the IT industry designing, building and supporting email servers, spam filtering services, DNS servers, etc. Mark Penney is uniquely placed to make sure you get this setup right the first time. DNS is critical to everything you do online. You want to make sure that whoever is making changes to your DNS settings knows what they are doing and stands behind their work. Meppy can get your email authentication configured not just for Keap, but also your email service, website, helpdesk, etc. Any service that sends email from your domain. We can also help you understand how it all works and setup monitoring, so you can be certain things are running smoothly and no one is spoofing your precious domain name for scams and spam.
Whether you have an existing membership site that needs supporting, needs some updated, or you are at the beginning of your journey of wanting a membership site for your business, we can help. We build and support sites built in Memberium, but can provide support for other Keap connected membership
Whether you have an existing membership site that needs supporting, needs some updated, or you are at the beginning of your journey of wanting a membership site for your business, we can help. We build and support sites built in Memberium, but can provide support for other Keap connected membership platforms such as iMember360 and AccessAlly. Due to our IT background, we are uniquely placed to help you navigate the complicated world of integrating Keap with Memberium on WordPress using plugins like LearnDash and more. While we don't do we design and development, we do have experience with that, so working with your developers becomes a whole lot easier.
Keap is a fantastic tool for automating your email marketing. But that only scratches the surface of its capabilities. An area we love to work with clients on is taking existing business processes, be they internal, external or a mix, and working with you to automate and improve on them using Keap
Keap is a fantastic tool for automating your email marketing. But that only scratches the surface of its capabilities. An area we love to work with clients on is taking existing business processes, be they internal, external or a mix, and working with you to automate and improve on them using Keap as the central engine. We have experience integrating Keap with other platforms through tools like Zapier, Make, PlusThis, etc. Or, we can work with your developers to help you with your custom integration projects. The Advanced Automation/Campaign Builder feature of Keap is an extremely powerful tool that few other platforms can compete with in the small business budget. The limit is pretty much the imagination when it comes to things you can get Keap doing for your business. We love a challenge... let us know your project ideas, and we can work with you to make it a reality!
Mark also has you covered if all you need is someone to just build, or make changes to, your campaigns/automations, make changes to existing automations, etc. The advantage we provide is that we can also give you our advice on best practices and point out areas where you can make improvements as we
Mark also has you covered if all you need is someone to just build, or make changes to, your campaigns/automations, make changes to existing automations, etc. The advantage we provide is that we can also give you our advice on best practices and point out areas where you can make improvements as we go. We live and breath Keap and automation.